Entries by TedM

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Hampton House Garden Project Part 2

Season2 Episode 1 – The Hampton House Garden Project is a Black-led project, aimed at supporting Black leadership, Black communities and building institutions for Black food sovereignty and liberation. This is achieved by Black-led organizing and building self determination for Reno’s Black community.

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Make Your Momentum

Season2 Episode 2 – Make Your Momentum is long standing clothing brand in Northern Nevada. Chuck, owner/designer/CEO/BEARD, is a Reno brand filled with love, compassion and hometown pride!

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Hampton House Garden Project

Season2 Episode 1 – The Hampton House Garden Project is a Black-led project, aimed at supporting Black leadership, Black communities and building institutions for Black food sovereignty and liberation. This is achieved by Black-led organizing and building self determination for Reno’s Black community.

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Lily Baran

Episode 5, Amid death threats from business owners in Lake Tahoe about her color, die-ins in downtown Reno, being a brilliant singer and a general bad ass, Lily Baran spent a few minutes meeting, eating dinner and talking about what’s going on in her world.

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Chuy at Mari Chuy’s

Episode 4, Chuy owns and runs Mari Chuy’s in midtown. He’s been here for years and has seen Reno grow unbelievably! Sit back, relax, grab a margarita and listen as we talk about all kinds of stuff.


Jacquie at Sustain Tahoe

Episode 2 and we’re talking today with my friend Jacquie Chandler. Jacquie is the founder of Sustainable Tahoe, a local non-profit set on elevating Geo Tourism inside the Lake Tahoe Watershed.