Wendy Baroli
Wendy is a wonderful friend who has been through a ton these last few years. One thing remains true, her spirit.
Sit back and listen to Wendy talk about life COVID and life, the farm, and some thoughts around life.
Wendy Baroli with Girlfarm!
Welcome to the Reno Podcast. This is episode 3 and we’re talking today with my friend Wendy Baroli. Wendy is our wee farmer and a 5th generation Nevadan.
We’ve known one another since my kids were little, they’re not so little now. She’s always a wealth of information around everything. I mean everything. She’s a wonderful conversationalist and it’s always a pleasure to chat. This time we’ve recorded it!
Today’s podcast is being brought to you by. Orbit Creative. Orbit Creative is your local award-winning digital ad agency making everything from banner ads to award winning commercial production. Visit OrbitCreative.net/podcast for more information.
For more information on Girlfarm visit their website at girlfarm.org!
Remember at the end of the day, we are as our community goes. Take some time and pick after yourself, smile at someone you don’t know and say hi, always say hi!